A region based in the extreme northern end of the country,
Ladakh literally translates to ‘the land of high passes’.


The region is a high-altitude plateau spanning the Greater Himalayan. The Zanskar and the Karakoram mountain ranges, along with the upper Indus River valley. To the east of Ladakh lies Tibet and due to the extensive Tibetan cultural influence in this region, Ladakh is also known as ‘Little Tibet’.

Isolated from the world for more than a thousand years, today this remarkable land, it’s age-old people and their unique culture is easily accessible by air from Delhi or through adventurous drives on some of the world’s highest roads!

Bespoke Journeys custom designs curated journeys and experiences through the length and breadth of Ladakh, unravelling the mystique of this ancient land and providing unique insights into the lives of the people, their distinctive culture and the remarkable landscape.

A region that offers the traveller some spectacular scenery, most of Ladakh lies between 10.000 feet to 18,000 feet in elevation and hence should be explored by the medically fit traveller, due to the rigours of high elevation.

Reach Us for your bespoke journey to Ladakh.